Emailing Customers Based on Purchases in Squarespace

Currently, Squarespace does not have a systematic way of emailing customers who purchased a single product, but sometimes you may have a need to send a mass email to specific customers.

Until the Squarespace platform comes up with a way to accomplish this, I’ve found a neat workaround that allows you to get the email addresses of customers who have purchased a particular product.

In this article, I will walk you through how to create a CSV of Orders of a particular product, extract all of the customer emails, and then send a BCC email to each customer.

Before we get started, here are a few things to remember about this solution:

  • Because this way of gathering emails does not separate customers who have opted in for marketing emails, it is important to note that this solution should not be used for sending email campaigns. This way of emailing customers should only be used if you need to send something urgent to customers who have purchased a particular product.

1. Navigate to the Orders panel (Commerce > Orders)

First, you need to navigate to the Orders panel by selecting Commerce > Orders. What you’ll see is a complete list of orders and their respective statuses ( i.e. Pending, Fulfilled, Cancelled).

Orders panel in Squarespace

2. Download a CSV file of orders of a specific product.

Now we need to download a CSV file by selecting “Download CSV” in the upper right-hand corner of the orders panel.

A modal should be opened with some filters and checkboxes. Make sure you select “Fulfilled” orders, change the order date to your liking, and select “Specific Product” which will reveal a search bar where you can search for and select a product.

Download CSV orders

3. Copy & paste the customer emails downloaded, and send a BCC email to them.

Once you download the CSV file, copy and paste the column of emails, and add them to the BCC field of an email. Sending the email as a BCC, which stands for “Blind Carbon Copy” will ensure that customer emails are secure from other customers who you send the emails to.

Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith is a solopreneur and front-end web developer with 5+ years of experience in web development.

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