Solved: How to Remove the “/p/” in Squarespace 7.1 Product URLs


Squarespace does not have a way of removing the “/p/” in product URLs. Instead, you can create a single URL mapping that points all URLs of type “/store/[name]” to “/store/p/[name]” which will redirect all URLs ending in “/store/product-name” to the correct URL ending in “/store/p/product-name”.

Remove the "/p/" from your Squarespace 7.1 product slug.

Let me guess - you’ve recently moved your Squarespace 7.0 eCommerce store to a Squarespace 7.1 template, and now you are freaking out because all of the product URLs have a prepended “/p” in the slug that you can’t remove. Now, all of the Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest board posts, and even Google search results that link to your products are returning a 404 page, and there is simply no way in the world you can change all of those links to reflect the new links.

The bad news is that Squarespace does not allow users to remove the “/p/” from the product URL slugs. The good news is that you can effectively achieve the same goal using the URL Mapping feature provided in Squarespace.

In this blog post, I will explain how you can use URL maps to redirect all occurrences of an old URL to a new URL in no time at all!

Important Prerequisites

Before you implement this solution, there are a few things you need to confirm:

  • Your domain needs to be either hosted in Squarespace or connected to a Squarespace site if it is hosted by another provider (GoDaddy, BlueHost, etc.).

  • These instructions will be soooooo much quicker if you make sure all of your new Squarespace 7.1 products have the exact same URL slugs as the old store products from your 7.0 site (excluding the “/p/” of course). If this is not a feasible option for you at this point, you can still use the instructions, but it will take a little longer for you to implement.

Instructions if all 7.0 and 7.1 product URLs DO match

  1. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > URL Mappings

  2. Copy & paste the following into the URL Mappings section.

    /shop/[name] -> /shop/p/[name] 301

    • Replace “shop” with your store’s URL slug.

    • Do not change the “[name]” attribute; this placeholder will automatically be replaced with the product slug that was initially searched for, which is why it is so important for the 7.0 and 7.1 product slugs to match; otherwise, a 404 page will show up.

View some examples in the image below:

Shows how URL Mappings are put together in Squarespace for store URLs that are the same.

Instructions if 7.0 and 7.1 product URLs DO NOT match

  1. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > URL Mappings

  2. Copy & paste the following into the URL Mappings section.

    /shop/old-product-name -> /shop/p/new-product-name 301

    • Replace “shop” with your store’s URL slug.

    • Replace “old-product-name” with the old product slug, and “new-product-name” with the new product slug.

  3. Repeat steps 2-3 for each and every product you need to redirect, adding each new one below the previous one.

View some examples in the image below:

Shows how to add URL mappings for products that do not have the same 7.0 and 7.1 URL slug.


Squarespace does not have a way of removing the “/p/” in product URLs. Instead, you can create a single URL mapping that points all URLs of type “/store/[name]” to “/store/p/[name]” which will redirect all URLs ending in “/store/product-name” to the correct URL ending in “/store/p/product-name”.

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Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith is a solopreneur and front-end web developer with 5+ years of experience in web development.

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