20+ Squarespace Web Design & Template Niche Ideas (2023)

If you are looking to establish yourself as a Squarespace web designer or template creator, it has the potential to be a profitable business, but in order to differentiate yourself from the competition, you need to have a niche.

What makes for a good niche market, anyway? A good niche market seeks to solve a specific problem for a smaller audience; finding a niche for Squarespace web design and/or template design ensures you are not competing in an oversaturated market, but you need to make sure you have some sort of knowledge and experience in the niche you want to tackle. With a solid niche and solid marketing, you can make a name for yourself in the Squarespace designer community.

Full disclosure - I’m a Squarespace developer, not a designer, so I’ve done some basic market research on other Squarespace designer and template creators to make this curated list of niches that could help you establish yourself as a designer. If you find one you think will work for you, you should do some deeper market research on the niche to decide if it’s a profitable idea.

1. Schools & Universities


Every school system (public and private) and college or university has or needs a website, and if you study each website closely, you’ll notice some basic elements that are common among all of them. For example, a history/about page, a page listing faculty, and leadership, a section for scholastic and extracurricular clubs and activities, recent news and upcoming events blog, etc. These are the perfect ingredients for one or a few pre-made templates, and even a web design business based around this industry.

2. Virtual Assistants

Woman looking at a computer

As internet-based jobs become more mainstream, so has the rise of virtual assistants. Creating one or a few templates for virtual assistants has the potential to be very profitable.

3. Financial Professions (Tax preparation, personal finance, etc.)

Tax preparation

Finance is one of those niches that often requires in-depth knowledge and expertise, and therefore it can be difficult to design a website that appeals to the right audience.

Furthermore, websites in the Financial industry are categorized by Google and other search engines as YMYL (Your Money, Your Life). This means search engines will judge your content more harshly because these topics can greatly affect people’s livelihoods, so it will take some additional expertise in the SEO department which you could provide your customers and clients.

4. Social Media Managers

Social media apps

According to Statista, more than 4 billion people are projected to use social media in 2025, and brands spent an estimated $132 billion on social media advertising in 2020, a figure that’s expected to increase.

Because of this, the role of social media managers has grown in recent years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the role of social media manager is expected to grow at least 10% from 2020 to 2030. Creating a Squarespace template or web design business for social media managers has the potential to be a profitable niche, especially in the coming years.

5. Farmers & Ranchers

Harvesting crops

Farmers and ranchers make up only 1.3% of the employed US population (Markets Insider). The farming and ranching industry is a very crucial global industry, but it is still a small-enough market with different types of farming that could make for a profitable niche for pre-made templates or a web design industry.

6. Doulas / Birthing Coaches & Postpartum Care Providers

Newborn baby

When pregnant mothers are seeking a birthing coach or post-partum caregiver with which to entrust something as important as their birth experience, there is specific messaging that is needed to connect with soon-to-be mothers. If you have experience or knowledge in this field, you can create a potentially profitable web design business or template around this niche.

7. Pet Care Providers

Dog sitting on bed

Dog grooming businesses, veterinarians, pet training services, and dog or cat breeders - all of these fields in the pet care industry need professional-looking and functional websites, and a few pre-made templates for each of these fields or a web design business that caters to pet care professionals could prove to be a profitable niche in the Squarespace market.

8. Health Care Providers

Taking woman's blood pressure

There are so many different areas in the healthcare industry that you can easily find a niche within it and establish a business or create a template around it. Everything from Dermatologists to Dentists needs a professional website, so finding a niche within the healthcare industry can make for a great niche if you have the knowledge and expertise in a particular health care field.

Furthermore, websites in the healthcare industry are categorized by Google and other search engines as YMYL (Your Money, Your Life). This means search engines will judge your content more harshly because these topics can greatly affect people’s livelihoods, so it will take some additional expertise in the SEO department which you could provide your customers and clients.

9. Beauty Industry

Painting woman's nails

Squarespace does have a general template for the beauty industry, but there are a lot of fields within the beauty industry that Squarespace does not have specific templates for, including hairstylists, nail technicians, massage therapists, barbers, makeup artists, Spa/Salon Owners, Estheticians, and more.

10. Therapists Specializations

Couple's therapy

Squarespace does not have templates that specifically target therapists, let alone the various specializations that make up the more general Therapy field. This one might be a field where you need some expertise before you can create a web design business or template(s), but there is a plethora of therapy types from which to choose: Marriage and family counselor, addiction therapist, behavioral therapist, divorce therapist, child therapist, eating disorder therapist, and the list continues (18 Types of Therapists To Explore as a Career).

Furthermore, websites in this industry are categorized by Google and other search engines as YMYL (Your Money, Your Life). This means search engines will judge your content more harshly because these topics can greatly affect people’s livelihoods, so it will take some additional expertise in the SEO department which you could provide your customers and clients.

11. Weight Loss Coaches

Weight loss

Weight loss is a sector of the Health & Wellness industry, but unlike other sectors, weight loss can be a serious pain point for a lot of people, particularly when you consider how high the failure rate is for maintaining weight loss. This means that it takes a special kind of messaging to connect and convert someone seeking to hire a weight loss coach, and if you can create a template that nails that messaging, this could prove to be a profitable niche in the Squarespace market.

12. Motivational Speakers

Motivational speaker

The Motivational Speaking Industry in the US is worth approximately $1.9 Billion, with an estimated 40,000 professional speakers in the US. Most websites for speakers have 6 core pages: Home, About, Upcoming Events, Shop, Blog, and a page where you can contact them or inquire about work opportunities. Squarespace has functionality for all of these pages, which means this could make for a perfect pre-made template.

According to MarketResearch.com, most speakers don’t even make most of their income from speaking alone, but from selling books, DVDs, online courses, coaching, webinars, etc, all of which Squarespace eCommerce can accommodate.

13. Authors

Woman typing on keyboard

Most best-selling authors have 6 core pages in their navigation: Home, About, Books, Blog, Shop, and Contact. This would make for a great pre-made template, and having a custom web design business around this profession could prove to be profitable because every author’s website tends to have more of their own personality to it.

14. Women Entrepreneurs

Woman discussing

About 22.4% of small business owners in the US are women, which makes this a small enough niche to create a template or web design business for. Not to mention there are so many different types of businesses within this category that you can niche down to appeal to multiple types of women entrepreneurs. For example, authors, bloggers, self-improvement coaches, and more.

15. Online Course Creators

Online course on computer

Marketing for online course providers requires such a specialized skill set that there are actually businesses built around how to market an online course that sells, whether it’s via YouTube, Instagram, or other platforms. If you can create a website template tailored for online course creators, this could prove to be a profitable niche in the Squarespace market.

As an online course creator myself, I know how intimidating putting together a high-converting sales page can be, so I could see you offering a package that includes a sales page template or formula. Or even better, you might be able to offer the sales page template as a lead magnet, such as a free downloadable PDF, and then use email marketing to sale your template for online course providers. The possibilities are plentiful with this one if you can market it the right way.

16. Restaurants & Bars

Waitress holding food

The Restaurant and Bar industry has a lot of subcategories that would make for profitable templates. Bar & Grills, high end restaurants, family-owned restaurants, hotels & restaurants, and more. Squarespace even has an Open Table integration that allows site visitors to make reservations on Squarespace websites.

17. Daycares and Child Care Providers

Woman helping child draw

Daycares and child care provider websites tend to have a specific look, feel - fun, inviting imagery, friendly pops of color; and a specific navigation/page organization - program details for each different age group, a place to enroll or download an enrollment PDF, request tours of the facility, a contact page, and maybe a few more pages that may differ for each website. These are the perfect ingredients for one or more pre-made Squarespace templates.

18. Small Event Planners (Weddings, Proposals, etc)

Table set with wine glasses

Small event planners often require the basic core pages of a website - Home, About, Blog, Contact/Inquire, Portfolio - but they also may require additional pages that service providers need, such as a Process/How It Works page, a client testimonials page, a Meet the Team page, and a Services page.

There are also some important design details that must be considered, such as a font family and color scheme that portrays the brand, and some intimate imagery that really connects with website viewers.

This would make for a great template, and you could probably make a few different templates for different types of small event planners.

19. E-Commerce for Custom, Handmade, and Unique Pieces

Custom birdhouse

You might have read that headline and thought, “Isn’t that what Etsy and other marketplaces are for?” The answer is yes, but there are actually a lot of vendors who would rather have control over their own marketing and what kind of traffic their online store attracts, whether that means creating their own website and blog for marketing purposes and hosting their store on a marketplace like Etsy, or just hosting their entire store on Squarespace.

20. Consultants


A consultant is a person who's an expert in a particular field who gives professional advice to individuals and businesses in their area of expertise. Pretty much any industry you can think of, there is a market for consultant work. I personally know a retired superintendent with 35+ years of experience working on school boards, and from those credentials alone, he makes 5 figures a month consulting various school districts on how they can improve and fill in gaps within their leadership teams.

Consultant work requires a specific kind of messaging to convert customers, so if you have expertise in consulting work, you could potentially build a profitable web design business around this niche. There are also some core pages and web design elements that are common among most consulting websites, which could make for a great template.

21. Churches and Other Religious Organizations


Churches & religious organization websites follow a very specific pattern. They usually have a home page, about page, a newsletter page for events, a page for worship ministries (or maybe a page for each separate ministry, such as kids ministry, women’s ministry, etc.), and a contact page. If it is a larger church with many locations, it might have a locations page and a few more pages specific to that church. These are the perfect ingredients for a pre-made template, and maybe a web design business.

A church or religious organization is also something that will require expertise in local SEO, so if you can become knowledgeable about how to do this successfully, this might be the niche for you.

22. Personal Travel Planners

Kayak in river

Personal travel planners are likely to have a presence on professional or freelancing platforms like Upwork, Indeed, or LinkedIn, but they could also benefit from having a separate online space - a website - where they have more control over their marketing, traffic, branding. If you have experience in this area, this might be a great way to establish yourself in the Squarespace marketplace.

23. Small Town/Local Businesses


Small, locally-owned businesses account for 44% of the US economy, which is still a significantly large portion of the work-force, but if you type in “Websites for small town businesses” on Google, you’ll notice that there are not many results that come up in the SERPs. This means there is potential to establish yourself as an expert in this area.

Furthermore, local SEO is a specialty within the broader SEO industry, so if you can become an expert on local SEO, that is another thing that can differentiate you apart from others in this marketplace.

Best CSS Resource for Your Web Design/Template Business

Looking for an all-inclusive coding resource that can take your Squarespace web design/template business to the next level?

Check out my Squarespace 7.1 CSS Selector Guide & Cheatsheet, which gives you access to the following:

  • 1,500+ class, ID, and attribute selectors for every single Squarespace element

  • 60+ copy-and-paste CSS code snippets

  • 3 months of personalized CSS help (with the “Plus” plan)

  • Lifetime access for a one-time payment

How the CSS Guide & Cheatsheet is Organized

As you can see in the below image, this is more than just a cheat sheet. This complete guide includes CSS selector explanations for each Squarespace element that are neatly categorized into their own pages.

Once you select an element to examine, you will be presented with the different CSS selectors relevant to the element as well as explanations about how to use the selector(s).

More complex Squarespace elements - like the mobile and desktop header elements in the below image - include a segmented table so that you won’t be overwhelmed with the explanations.

Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith is a solopreneur and front-end web developer with 5+ years of experience in web development.


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