Audio Block Elements


Minimal Audio Block Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Outer Container
.sqs-block-audio The audio block container.
Inner Container + Color Themes
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-widgets-audio-player An inner container for the player elements. This element also contains a class name corresponding the color theme being used to style the block.
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-widgets-audio-player.dark An inner container for the player elements which uses the "Dark" theme. This element also contains a class name corresponding the color theme being used to style the block.
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-widgets-audio-player.light An inner container for the player elements which uses the "Light" theme. This element also contains a class name corresponding the color theme being used to style the block.
Player Elements
.sqs-block-audio .player The flexbox container that contains the player elements.
.sqs-block-audio .action The far left flex item that contains the play/pause button.
.sqs-block-audio .play The play button container.
.sqs-block-audio .play-button The play button element styled to look like a play button.
.sqs-block-audio .pause The pause button container.
.sqs-block-audio .pause-button The pause button element styled to look like a pause button.
.sqs-block-audio .track The progress track indicator container.
.sqs-block-audio .played The track element that shows how much of the audio file has been played.
.sqs-block-audio .icon The element at the end of the "played" element that is styled to look like a border.
.sqs-block-audio .labels The middle flex element that contains the audio file title and author.
.sqs-block-audio .title The audio file title.
.sqs-block-audio .artistName The audio file artist name.
.sqs-block-audio .secondary-controls The outer container for the current time and the file's total time.
.sqs-block-audio .time The parent container for the current time and the file's total time.
.sqs-block-audio .progress The progress time.
.sqs-block-audio .total The total time.
.sqs-block-audio .total:before The psuedo-element that adds the forward slash between the progress and total time.
.sqs-block-audio .download a The "Download" link.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the audio block elements.

The HTML structure of the audio block elements.

Classic Audio Block Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Outer Container
.sqs-block-audio The audio block container.
Inner Containers
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-audio-embed An inner container for the player elements. This element also contains a class name corresponding the color theme being used to style the block.
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-audio-player The outer container that contains the player elements.
.sqs-block-audio The outer container that contains the player elements when the player is in it's default state.
.sqs-block-audio The outer container that contains the player elements when the player is paused.
.sqs-block-audio The outer container that contains the player elements when the player is playing.
Player Elements
.sqs-block-audio .controls The far left flex item that contains the play/pause button.
.sqs-block-audio .controls:after The play button elements.
.sqs-block-audio .sqs-audio-player:not(.play-state-playing) .controls:after, .sqs-block-audio .sqs-audio-player:not(.play-state-playing) .controls:before The pause button elements.
.sqs-block-audio .placeholder The container for the player elements when the player is in the default state on page load.
.sqs-block-audio .placeholder .wrapper The progress track indicator container.
.sqs-block-audio .audio-author The audio file artist name.
.sqs-block-audio .audio-title The audio file title.
.sqs-block-audio .volume The container for the volume indicators.
.sqs-block-audio .volume .bar The volume bars.
.sqs-block-audio .volume The active volume bars.
.sqs-block-audio .volume .bar:not(.active) The inactive volume bars.
.sqs-block-audio .duration The parent container for the current time and the file's total time.
.sqs-block-audio .progress The outer progress indicator container.
.sqs-block-audio .progress-inner The inner progres indicator.
.sqs-block-audio .download a The "Download" link.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the audio block elements.

The HTML structure of the audio block elements.

Unique Audio Blocks Using the Block ID

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1698165393039_7539 Targets a unique Squarespace element using its unique ID attribute. The selector in the left column is just the general form of the block ID, but the characters that come after "#block-" will be different for each element.

HTML Structure Explanation

Every Squarespace block element, such as the Audio Block, will have a class name of “.sqs-block”. This element will additionally have an ID attribute that begins with “block-” and ends with a random string of characters as pictured below.

An Audio block element with a class name of “sqs-block” and an id attribute.


Form Block Elements


Quote Block Elements