Course Individual Lesson Page


Course Lesson Page Content

Desktop display of course page.

Mobile floating footer element that replaces the top nav on desktop.

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Content Container
.course-item The outer wrapper for the course page content, including the video and the text content.
Top Nav
.course-item__header The outer wrapper for the top nav on desktop, which contains the course title, and the "Complete & Continue" or "Next Lesson" button.
.course-item__course-title The course title in the top nav.
.course-item__course-title a The course title link element in the top nav.
.course-item__next-lesson-button The button in the top nav.
Video Elements (these do not refer to YouTube videos, because we cannot style YouTube iframe elements with CSS)
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__video-wrapper The parent container of the video element.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__video-wrapper video The video element.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__poster The thumbnail image of the video element.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__control The overlay "Play/Pause" button that shows on the video.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__control svg The vector imagery of both the play and pause icons.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__controls The parent container of the video controls that show at the bottom of the video, including the current video time, that total video duration, the progress indicator, the volume button, the settings button, and the full screen toggle button.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__controls__item All of the button controls at the bottom of the video excluding the progress indicator. This includes the time text, the speaker button, the settings button, and the full screen toggle button.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__controls__item svg All of the icon imagery for the control buttons, including the speaker button, the settings button, and the full screen toggle button.
.course-item-video-inner-wrapper .plyr__controls__item.plyr__time The current time and the video duration text elements.
Text Elements (Meta data, title and description)
.course-item__chapter-title The chapter title text.
.course-item__lesson-title The lesson title text.
Course Lesson Page Footer on Desktop
.course-item__footer-container The footer container that contains the "Complete & Continue" or the "Next Lesson" button at the bottom of the lesson page content.
.course-item__footer-container .course-item__footer-background The footer container background (used to style the background color).
.course-item__footer-container .course-item__footer-content The footer content.
.course-item__footer-container .course-item__next-lesson-button The "Complete & Continue" or the "Next Lesson" button at the bottom of the lesson page content.
Course Lesson Floating Footer on Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-mobile-header The floating footer wrapper on mobile.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile The side navigation toggle button in the mobile footer.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile .course-item__side-nav-collapsed-svg The vector imagery for the side navigation toggle button when the menu is collapsed.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile .course-item__side-nav-expanded-svg The vector imagery for the side navigation toggle button when the menu is expanded.
.course-item__next-lesson-button The "Complete & Continue" or the "Next Lesson" button in the mobile footer.

HTML Structure Explanation

The Course Page Top Navigation Element on Desktop

The container for the course lesson page top navigation, including the course name and the button. This element is hidden on mobile devices and replaced with a floating footer element that shows on mobile only.

The Video Elements

The container for the video elements on the course lesson pages.

The container for the video elements on the course lesson pages.


Course Page Text Elements Below the Video

The container for the course lesson page text content elements, including the chapter title and the lesson title.

The container for the video page text content elements, including the title, meta data, and description.

Footer Elements on Desktop & Mobile

The container for the course lesson page mobile and desktop footer, which contains the "Complete & Continue" or the "Next Lesson" button. The mobile footer element additionally contains the side navigation toggle button.

Desktop footer element.

Mobile floating footer element.

Side Navigation Flyout

Desktop side nav

Mobile side nav

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Global Elements (Targets Both Desktop & Mobile Elements)
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button The button that opens the side navigation panel.
.course-item__side-nav The parent container for the side navigation elements, including the progress bar and the chapter item elements.
.course-item__side-nav-header The outer container for the progress bar wrapper.
.course-item__side-nav-progress-bar-container The wrapper for the progress bar elements, including the bar, and the text inside the bar. This element is hidden on mobile devices by default.
.course-item__side-nav-progress-bar The progress bar that shows current percentage completed (the beige element).
.course-item__progress-bar-text The text inside of the progres bar wrapper.
.course-item__side-nav-content The container for the chapter and lesson content in the side nav.
.course-item__side-nav-chapter-container The container for each of the chapter content, including the chapter title, # of lessons, duration, and the chapter lesson items.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-chapter-header The header container for the chapter details, including the chapter title, the # of lessons and duration.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-chapter-title The chapter title text.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-chapter-metadata The metadata text, including the # of lessons and the duration.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-chapter-lessons The wrapper for the chapter lessons.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-lesson The individual lesson items, which contain the lesson thumbnail, title, duration, and the checkbox. This includes both active and inactive links.
Desktop and Mobile The active lesson item, which contains the lesson thumbnail, title, duration, and the checkbox.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-link The link wrapper, which contains the thumbnail, the title and the duration.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-thumbnail-container The lesson thumbnail container.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-thumbnail The lesson thumbnail. This is not an image HTML element, but is a div element with a "background-image" property.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__video-player-icon-container The container for the "Play" button vector imagery that is on top of the thumbnail.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__video-player-icon-container svg The vector imagery for the "Play" button icon that is on top of the thumbnail.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-link-title The lesson title text.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-lesson-metadata The metadata text, including the lesson duration.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__side-nav-checkbox-container The checkbox container that's on the far right of the lesson container.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__checkbox-svg The vector imagery for the status checkbox. These will also target similar elements in the accordion section on the course overview page unless specified otherwise.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__checkbox-svg .course-item__checkbox-svg-outline The dashed circle outline of unfinished lessons. These will also target similar elements in the accordion section on the course overview page unless specified otherwise.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-list__checkbox:checked+.course-list__checkbox-target .course-item__checkbox-svg .course-item__checkbox-svg-outline The solid circle outline of the completed lessons. These will also target similar elements in the accordion section on the course overview page unless specified otherwise.
Desktop and Mobile
.course-item__checkbox-svg .course-item__checkbox-svg-checkmark The checkbox icon of the completed lessons. These will also target similar elements in the accordion section on the course overview page unless specified otherwise.
Desktop and Mobile
Desktop Elements (Targets Desktop Elements Only)
.course-item:not(.mobile-layout) The side navigation outer container that opens on desktop. Use this as an ancestor element for the "Global Element" selectors if you want to only target desktop nav elements.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-desktop The button that opens the side navigation panel on desktop devices.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-desktop svg The vector imagery of the desktop button. The side nav header element on desktop devvices, which contains the progress bar.
Mobile Elements (Targets Mobile Elements Only) The side navigation outer container that opens on mobile. Use this as an ancestor element for the "Global Element" selectors if you want to only target desktop nav elements.
.course-item__side-nav-header.desktop-layout-hidden The side nav header element on mobile devvices, which contains the mobile menu toggle button, the course title, and the "Next Lesson" or "Complete & Continue" button.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile The button that opens the side navigation panel on mobile devices.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile .course-item__side-nav-collapsed-svg The vector imagery for the side navigation toggle button when the menu is collapsed.
.course-item__side-nav-toggle-button-mobile .course-item__side-nav-expanded-svg The vector imagery for the side navigation toggle button when the menu is expanded.
.course-item__side-nav-mobile-course-title The course title that appears on the mobile side nav flyout.
.course-item__side-nav-mobile-course-title a The course title text link that appears on the mobile side nav flyout. .course-item__next-lesson-button The "Complete & Continue" or "Next Leson" button that appears on the mobile side nav flyout menu.

HTML Structure Explanation

The ide navigation toggle button and flyout menu on desktop and mobile.

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific course lesson item.

Unique Course Pages

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element
#item-6523563efccf945a69218c46 Targets a unique course lesson page using its ID attribute. The selector in the left column is just the general form of the collection ID, but the characters that come after "#item-" will be different for each element.

HTML Structure Explanation

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific course lesson item.

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific course lesson item.


Course Overview Page


Gallery Block Elements