Desktop Header Elements


Desktop Navigation Display

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.header-display-desktop The header display on desktop devices

HTML Structure Explanation

The selector “.header-display-desktop” refers to the header display when on desktop devices. This element contains the site title or logo, the navigation menu, and all CTA elements.

The <div> elements with the class name “header-display-desktop” which targets the desktop header layout.

Various Desktop Header Layouts


Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) for Header Styles HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.header-layout-nav-right The header being styled with layout 1 (logo on left, menu and CTAs on right)
.header-layout-nav-left The header being styled with layout 2 (logo and menu on left, CTAs on right)
.header-layout-nav-center The header being styled with layout 3 (logo on left, menu in center, CTAs on right)
.header-layout-branding-center The header being styled with layout 4 (logo in center, menu on left, CTAs on right)
.header-layout-branding-center-nav-center The header being styled with layout 5 (logo and menu in center, CTAs on left and right)

HTML Structure Explanation

The various class names in the above table target a <div> element within the main <header> element. You can view it in the screenshot below. They will be added depending on which layout is selected.

The <div> element inside the header with a class name of “header-layout-branding-center-nav-center along with other class names. This class name will change based on the desktop layout being applied.

Desktop Site Title

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.header-display-desktop .header-title The site title container.
.header-display-desktop #site-title The site title link text.

HTML Structure Explanation

The header title container and text link inside of the desktop header display.

The header title container and text link inside of the desktop header display.

Desktop Logo

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.header-display-desktop .header-title The logo container.
.header-display-desktop img The logo image.

HTML Structure Explanation

The desktop header logo container and the image inside of it.

The desktop header logo container and the image inside of it.

CTA Elements on Desktop

Logo/site title and menu are centered, and two separate CTA containers are on either side of the centered elements.

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
CTA Container
.header-actions Both of the CTA containers (on the right and/or the left depending on the desktop header layout selected).
.header-actions--right The CTA container that appears on the right of the header.
.header-actions--left The CTA container that appears on the left of the header.
CTA Elements
.header-actions-action All of the CTA elements in the outer CTA container, including the social media container, the shopping cart container, and the button container.
CTA Button
.header-actions-action--cta The CTA button container in the header.
.header-actions-action--cta .btn The CTA button in the header.
CTA Icons General Selector
.header-actions .icon The icons in the CTA container, including the social media icons and the shopping cart icon.
CTA Social Media Elements
.header-actions-action--social The social media icons container that contains the icon SVG vector images for your social links.
.header-actions-action--social .header-icon The link elements that contain the SVG vector icons.
.header-actions-action--social .header-icon svg The SVG vector icons of each of the social media icons.
.header-actions-action--social .header-icon[href*="SOCIAL_NAME_GOES_HERE"] The link element that contains the SVG vector icon of the specified social media icon
.header-actions-action--social .header-icon[href*="SOCIAL_NAME_GOES_HERE"] svg The SVG vector icon of the specified social media icon.
CTA Shopping Cart Elements
.header-actions-action--cart The shopping cart container that contains the icon vector imagery, and the cart quantity text.
.header-actions-action--cart .icon--cart The shopping cart SVG vector imagery.
.header-actions-action--cart .icon-cart-quantity The cart quantity container.
.header-actions-action--cart .sqs-cart-quantity The cart quantity text.

HTML Structure Explanation

The CTA container and it’s elements, including the button, the social media actions, and the shopping cart action.

The CTA container and it’s elements, including the button, the social media actions, and the shopping cart action.

Desktop Navigation Menu Items

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.header-nav-list The container of the header menu items.
.header-nav-item a All menu item links.
.header-nav-item a[href="URL_OF_PAGE"] A menu item link with a specific href attribute.
.header-nav-item All of the first-level desktop menu link parent containers.
.header-nav-item > a All of the first-level desktop menu links.
.header-nav-item--folder The first-level menu item link containers of folder menus.
.header-nav-item--folder > .header-nav-folder-title The first-level menu item links of folder menus.
.header-nav-folder-content The dropdowns of the folder menus.
.header-nav-folder-item The link containers inside of the folder menu dropdowns.
.header-nav-folder-item a The links inside of the folder menu dropdowns.

HTML Structure Explanation

The desktop navigation menu container selector refers to the flexbox <nav> element with a class name of “header-nav-list” that contains all of the desktop menu items.

The <nav> element with a class name of “header-nav-list”. This element is styled using a flexbox.


The Website Header


Mobile Header Elements