Events Individual Listings


Event Page Content (Title, Metadata, Excerpt, etc.)

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Content Containers
body[class*="collection-type-events"].view-item This selector will select the body elements for all event item pages.
.events-item The contianer of the event page items.
The Back Link
.eventitem-backlink, .eventitem-backlink:before The "Back" link element and it's corresponding ":before" pseudo-element which adds the back arrow to the left of the text.
Left Column
.eventitem The flex container for the event item elements.
.eventitem-column-meta The container for the left column elements, including the title, date, time, and meta data for exporting an event.
.eventitem-title The event title text.
.event-meta-date-time-container The container for the start and end date/time.
.event-date The event date fields.
.event-time-localized The event time fields.
.event-datetime-divider, .event-datetime-divider:before The hyphen divider between the start and end dates and it's corresponding psuedo-element that adds the divider.
.event-date:first-of-type The event start date field.
.eventitem-meta-time:first-of-type .event-time-localized The event start time field.
.event-date:last-of-type The event end date field.
.eventitem-meta-time:last-of-type .event-time-localized The event end time field.
.event-meta-addtocalendar-container The container for the meta data.
.eventitem-meta-export-google The Google export link.
.eventitem-meta-export-ical The ICS export link.
.eventitem-meta-export-divider, .eventitem-meta-export-divider:before The hyphen divider between the export links and its corresponding psuedo-element that adds the divider.
Right Column
.eventitem-column-content The container for the right column elements.
.eventitem-column-content p The event excerpt text.

HTML Structure Explanation

The event elements container and the descendant elements.

The event elements container and the descendant elements.

Unique Event Page

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
#item-6521c515f7427c77fef7d9df Targets a unique event page using its ID attribute. The selector in the left column is just the general form of the collection ID, but the characters that come after "#item-" will be different for each event item.

HTML Structure Explanation

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific event item page.

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific event item page.


Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
General Selectors
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] The item pagination container on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link The item pagination link containers on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .events-item-pagination-date The item pagination date on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-title The item pagination title on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-icon The container for the SVG vector images on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-icon svg The SVG vector imagery in each of the item pagination link containers on event collection pages.
"Previous" Link Elements
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--prev The "Previous" item pagination link container on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--prev .item-pagination-icon The container for the "Previous" SVG vector images on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--prev .item-pagination-icon svg The SVG vector imagery in the "Previous" item pagination link containers on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--prev .events-item-pagination-date The item pagination title for the "Previous" link on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--prev .item-pagination-title The item pagination title for the "Previous" link on event collection pages.
"Next" Link Elements
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--next The "Next" item pagination link container on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--next .item-pagination-icon The container for the "Next" SVG vector images on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--next .item-pagination-icon svg The SVG vector imagery in the "Next" item pagination link containers on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--next .events-item-pagination-date The item pagination title for the "Next" link on event collection pages.
.item-pagination[data-collection-type*="events"] .item-pagination-link--next .item-pagination-title The item pagination title for the "Next" link on event collection pages.

HTML Structure Explanation

The item pagination container on event pages and the relevant descendant elements. Every collection page will have a similar element to the pictured one below, but the “data-collection-type” attribute will reflect which collection type and layout is being used.

The item pagination container on event pages and the relevant descendant elements. Every collection page will have a similar element to the pictured one below, but the “data-collection-type” attribute will reflect which collection type and layout is being used.


Events Listing Page


Course Overview Page