Portfolio Listing Page


Grid: Overlay

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.portfolio-grid-overlay The container of the grid overlay items in the the "Grid: Overlay" portfolio layout, which is styled using the CSS grid display property.
.portfolio-grid-overlay .grid-item The children items of the grid container referenced above.
.grid-image-inner-wrapper The container for the portfolio item image.
.grid-image-inner-wrapper img The portfolio item image.
.portfolio-overlay The image overlay.
.portfolio-text The continer for the portfolio title.
.portfolio-title The portfolio title text.

HTML Structure Explanation

Below is a screenshot showing the overlay grid container of the portfolio items in the "Grid: Overlay" portfolio layout which has a class name of “portfolio-grid-overlay” and it’s descendant elements, including the image, the title, and the image overlay.

The portfolio grid container of the portfolio items which has a class name of “portfolio-grid-overlay” and it’s descendant elements, including the image, the title, and the image overlay.

Grid: Simple

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.portfolio-grid-basic The container of the grid overlay items for the "Grid: Basic" portfolio layout, which is styled using the CSS grid display property.
.portfolio-grid-basic .grid-item The children items of the grid container referenced above.
.grid-image-inner-wrapper The container for the portfolio item image.
.grid-image-inner-wrapper img The portfolio item image.
.portfolio-text The container for the portfolio title.
.portfolio-title The portfolio title text.

HTML Structure Explanation

Below is a screenshot showing the basic grid container of the portfolio items in the "Grid: Basic" portfolio layout which has a class name of “portfolio-grid-basic”, and it’s descendant elements, including the image, and the title.

The basic grid container of the portfolio items which has a class name of “portfolio-grid-basic” and it’s descendant elements, including the image, and the title.

Hover: Follow Cursor, Hover: Fixed and Hover: Background

Hover: Follow Cursor

Hover: Fixed


Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.portfolio-hover-items The outer container for the portfolio items in all of the "Hover" layouts.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-items-list The parent container for the portfolio items in all of the "Hover" layout.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-item The children items of the container referenced above.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-item-title The portfolio item title text.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-item-content The span element inside of the title text element above.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-item-title:after The hyphen that comes after the portfolio item titles in the "Hover: Fixed" layout.
Hover: Fixed
.portfolio-hover-backgrounds The outer container for the images that appear on hover.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-bg-overlay The overlay for the images that appears on hover.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background
.portfolio-hover-bg-img img The image that appears on hover.
Hover: Fixed
Hover: Follow Cursor
Hover: Background

HTML Structure Explanation

Below is a screenshot showing the portfolio items which has a class name of “portfolio-hover-items-list” and it’s descendant elements, including the image, and the title.

The “Hover: Follow Cursor” container of the portfolio items which has a class name of “portfolio-hover-items-list” and it’s descendant elements, including the image, and the title.

Below is a screenshot showing the image containers which have a class name of “.portfolio-hover-bg-image” and it’s descendant image element.


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