Video Listing Page


Video Listing Page Grid Elements (Not Including Side or Top Navigation)

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.lessons-list The outer wrapper for the video page elements, including the navigation and the video grid layout.
.lessons-list .list-grid The parent container for the video grid items.
.lessons-list .grid-item The children of the video grid container.
Image Placement: Above
Image Placement: Below
.lessons-list .grid-image An ancestor element of the actual image element. This particular element has a margin-bottom applied.
Image Placement: Above
Image Placement: Below
.lessons-list .grid-image img The image element of the grid item.
.lessons-list .grid-main-meta The container for the text elements, including the meta data, the title, and the description.
Image Placement: Above
Image Placement: Below
.lessons-list .lessons-grid-meta-container The container for the meta data, including the date and the categories.
.lessons-list .grid-categories The grid categories container.
.lessons-list .lesson-category a The individual category text links.
.lessons-list .lesson-title The lesson title text.
.lessons-list .lesson-title a The lesson title text link.
.lessons-list .grid-desc p The lesson description text.

HTML Structure Explanation

Each lesson grid container with it’s descendant elements highlighted.

Each lesson grid container with it’s descendant elements highlighted.

Video Listing Page Side Navigation

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.lessons-list .nested-category-tree-wrapper The main wrapper for the side navigation items.
.lessons-list .nested-category-tree-wrapper ul The unordered list parent wrapper for the category items.
.lessons-list .category-item The list item child elements of the unordered list described above.
.lessons-list .category-link The category link text that's inside of the list items.
.lessons-list The category link that is currently active.

HTML Structure Explanation

The main side navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-tree-wrapper” and it’s descendant elements.

The main side navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-tree-wrapper” and it’s descendant elements.

Video Listing Page Top Navigation

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
.lessons-list .nested-category-children The main wrapper unordered list for the top navigation items. This has a margin-right style applied to it.
.lessons-list .nested-category-breadcrumb-list-item The list item category items.
.lessons-list .nested-category-breadcrumb-link The category link text that's inside of the list items.
.lessons-list The category link that is currently active.
.lessons-list .breadcrumb-separator The category link separator/delimiter.

HTML Structure Explanation

The main top navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-children” and it’s descendant elements.

The main top navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-children” and it’s descendant elements.


Portfolio Individual Listing Page


Video Page Individual Listings