Store Listing Page
Store Listing Page Grid Elements (Not Including Side or Top Navigation)
Relevant CSS Selectors
CSS Selector(s) | HTML Element | Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin) |
body.collection-type-products.view-list | The body element for store listing pages. | |
.products-list | The outer wrapper for the store page elements, including the navigation, the title and the store grid layout. | |
.products-list .nested-category-title | The category title at the top of the page. | |
.products-list .list-grid | The parent container for the store grid items. | |
.products-list .grid-item | The children of the store grid container. | |
.products-list .grid-image | An ancestor element of the actual image element. | |
.products-list .grid-image img | The image element of the grid item. | |
.products-list .grid-meta-wrapper | The container for the text elements including the product title, the product status (sold out or on sale) and the price. | |
.products-list .grid-main-meta | The container for the product title and prices. | |
.products-list .grid-title | The product name. | |
.products-list .product-price | The price text. | |
.products-list .original-price | If the product is on sale, this references the original price that is crossed out. | |
.products-list .grid-meta-status | The product status container. | |
.products-list .grid-meta-status .product-mark | The product status text that shows up on the right side of the grid item. | |
.products-list .grid-meta-status .product-mark.sold-out | The "SOLD OUT" text if the product is out of stock. | |
.products-list .grid-meta-status | The "SALE" text if the product is on sale. | |
.products-list .sqs-add-to-cart-button | The "Add to Cart" button if it is enabled on the listing page. | |
.products-list .product-variants | The parent container for the variant select wrapper. | |
.products-list .product-variants select | The parent variant select field. |
HTML Structure Explanation
Each store page grid container with it’s descendant elements highlighted.
Unique Store Item Grid Element
Relevant CSS Selectors
CSS Selector(s) | HTML Element | Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin) |
.products-list [data-item-id="6520b5bd783bac009bc026ea"] | Targets a unique store item using its "data-item-id" attribute. The selector in the left column is just the general form of the attribute value, but this value will be different for each element. |
HTML Structure Explanation
The store listing page grid item with the attribute “data-item-id”.
Store Listing Page Side Navigation
Relevant CSS Selectors
CSS Selector(s) | HTML Element | Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin) |
.products-list .nested-category-tree-wrapper | The main wrapper for the side navigation items. | |
.products-list .nested-category-tree-wrapper ul | The unordered list parent wrapper for the category items. | |
.products-list .category-item | The list item child elements of the unordered list described above. | |
.products-list .category-link | The category link text that's inside of the list items. | |
.products-list .category-link.root | The first-level category links. | |
.products-list .category-item ul | The nested unordered list elements that appear if you have created subcategories. | |
.products-list .category-link.child | The second-level category links. | |
.products-list | The category link that is currently active. This can target the root and/or child category links that are active. |
HTML Structure Explanation
The main side navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-tree-wrapper” and it’s descendant elements.
Store Listing Page Top Navigation
Relevant CSS Selectors
CSS Selector(s) | HTML Element | Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin) |
.products-list .nested-category-children | The main wrapper unordered list for the top navigation items. This has a margin-right style applied to it. | |
.products-list .nested-category-breadcrumb-list-item | The list item category items. | |
.products-list .nested-category-breadcrumb-link | The category link text that's inside of the list items. | |
.products-list .breadcrumb-separator | The category link separator/delimiter. | |
.products-list .nested-category-breadcrumb | The breadcrumb navigation above the category title. | |
.products-list .nested-category-breadcrumb-link | The breadcrumb navigation above the category title. |
HTML Structure Explanation
The main top navigation wrapper that has a class name of “nested-category-children” and it’s descendant elements.