Store Page Individual Listing


Global Store Page Elements (Elements Common Among All Layouts)

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Store Page Selectors
body.collection-type-products.view-item The body element for store item pages.
.collection-type-products The outer container for the store page elements, including the product details section and the additional details section.
Breadcrumb Navigation
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-nav The outer container for the breadcrumb navigation.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link The breadcrumb navigation links.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator The breadcrumb navigation separator element.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator:after The pseudo-element that adds the right breadcrumb arrow.
Summary Container
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-summary The container for the product summary details, including the gallery items and the text, button, and input elements.
Product Image Gallery
Because the galleries are so different based on the store page layout, you'll need to use the image gallery selectors in the more specific store page layouts on this page.
Product Details
.collection-type-products .product-details The container for the product details, including the title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
Gallery Placement: Right
Gallery Placement: Left
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-details-title, .pdp-layout .ProductItem-details-title The product title text.
.collection-type-products .product-price The price text.
.collection-type-products .original-price The original price text if the item is marked as "On Sale".
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-details-excerpt, .pdp-layout .pdp-details-excerpt The product title text.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-details-excerpt p, .pdp-layout .pdp-details-excerpt p The product title text.
.collection-type-products .product-quantity-input The container for the quantity input elements (label and input).
.collection-type-products .product-quantity-input .quantity-label The label text for the quantity input field.
.collection-type-products .product-quantity-input input The quantity number input field.
.collection-type-products .product-variants .variant-option The container for the variant select field element (label and select).
.collection-type-products .product-variants .variant-option .variant-option-title The label text for the variant select field.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper The container for the variant select field.
.collection-type-products .variant-select-wrapper:after The down arrow in the select field.
.collection-type-products .product-variants .variant-option select The variant select field.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-radiobtn-wrapper The container for the variant radio buttons.
.collection-type-products .product-variants .variant-radiobtn-wrapper label The variant radio button labels.
.collection-type-products .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper The container for the Add-to-Cart button.
.collection-type-products .sqs-add-to-cart-button The Add-to-Cart button.
.collection-type-products .ProductItem-additional The container for the additional details for products.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “products” and “collection-content-wrapper” and the relevant descendant elements.

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “products” and “collection-content-wrapper” and the relevant descendant elements.

“Simple” Store Page Layout Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Store Layout Selectors
.products.product-layout-side-by-side The outer container for the store page elements, including the product details section and the additional details section.
Breadcrumb Navigation
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-nav The outer container for the breadcrumb navigation.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link The breadcrumb navigation links.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator The breadcrumb navigation separator element.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator:after The pseudo-element that adds the right breadcrumb arrow.
Summary Container
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-summary The container for the product summary details, including the gallery items and the text, button, and input elements.
Product Image Gallery
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery The container for the product images in the gallery.
Gallery Placement: Right
Gallery Placement: Left
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-thumbnails The container for the thumbnail image buttons below the current image.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-thumbnails-item The individual thumbnail buttons.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-slides The container for the larger product image slides.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-slides img The image elements inside of the product image slides.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-slides-item.selected The product image container currently being shown.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-slides-item.selected img The product image element currently being shown.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-carousel-controls The container for the left and right arrow controls on top of the current image.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-prev The "Previous" arrow container.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-prev:after The ":after" pseudo-element which is used to add and style the "Previous" arrow icon.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-next The "Next" arrow container.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-gallery-next:after The ":after" pseudo-element which is used to add and style the "Next" icon.
Product Details
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details The container for the product details, including the title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
Gallery Placement: Right
Gallery Placement: Left
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details-title The product title text.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-product-price The price container.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-product-price .product-price The price text.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-product-price .original-price The original price text if the item is marked as "On Sale".
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details-excerpt The product excerpt container.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details-excerpt p The product excerpt text.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input The container for the quantity input elements (label and input).
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input .quantity-label The label text for the quantity input field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input input The quantity number input field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-option The container for the variant select field element (label and select).
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-option .variant-option-title The label text for the variant select field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper The container for the variant select field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper:after The down arrow in the select field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-option select The variant select field.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-radiobtn-wrapper The container for the variant radio buttons.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .product-variants .variant-radiobtn-wrapper label The variant radio button labels.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper The container for the Add-to-Cart button.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button The Add-to-Cart button.
.products.product-layout-side-by-side .ProductItem-additional The container for the additional details for products.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “products” and “collection-content-wrapper” and the relevant descendant elements.

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “products” and “collection-content-wrapper” and the relevant descendant elements.

“Half” Store Page Layout Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

Some of these selectors are deceptive-looking, meaning the selector name doesn’t seemingly match the HTML element being described, but they are correct.

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Store Layout Selectors
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed The "Half" layout.
Breadcrumb Navigation
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-nav The outer container for the breadcrumb navigation.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb The parent container for the breadcrumb navigation items.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link The breadcrumb navigation links.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator The breadcrumb navigation separator element.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator:after The pseudo-element that adds the right breadcrumb arrow.
Summary Container
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery The container for the product summary details, including the gallery items and the text, button, and input elements.
Product Image Gallery
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery-images The container for the product images in the gallery.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery-slides The product image containers.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery-slides img The product image elements.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery-slides.selected The product image container currently being shown.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-gallery-slides.selected img The product image element currently being shown.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-carousel-controls The container for the left and right arrow controls on top of the current image.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-prev The "Previous" arrow container (not the actual arrow).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-prev .chevron--left The "Previous" arrow element.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-next The "Next" arrow container (not the actual arrow).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-next .chevron--right The "Next" arrow element.
Product Details
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-form-wrapper The container for the product details, including the breadcrumb navigation, title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details The container for the product details, including the title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-title The product title text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-price The price container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-price .product-price The price text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-price .original-price The original price text if the item is marked as "On Sale".
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-excerpt The product excerpt container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details-excerpt p The product excerpt text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .product-quantity-input The container for the quantity input elements (label and input).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .product-quantity-input .quantity-label The label text for the quantity input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .product-quantity-input input The quantity number input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-option The container for the variant select field element (label and select).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-option .variant-option-title The label text for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper The container for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper:after The down arrow in the select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-option select The variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper The container for the variant radio buttons.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper label The variant radio button labels.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper The container for the Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button The Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .products.collection-content-wrapper The outer container for the additional details for products.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-bleed .ProductItem-additional The container for the additional details for products.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-bleed” and the relevant descendant elements.

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-bleed” and the relevant descendant elements.

“Full” Store Page Layout Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

Some of these selectors are deceptive-looking, meaning the selector name doesn’t seemingly match the HTML element being described, but they are correct.

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Store Layout Selectors
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel The "Full" layout.
Breadcrumb Navigation
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-nav The outer container for the breadcrumb navigation.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb The parent container for the breadcrumb navigation items.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link The breadcrumb navigation links.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator The breadcrumb navigation separator element.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator:after The pseudo-element that adds the right breadcrumb arrow.
Summary Container
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-layout-full-width-carousel > section The container for the product summary details, including the breadcrumb navigation, gallery items and the text, button, and input elements.
Product Image Gallery
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery The container for the full-width gallery.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery-images The container for the product images in the gallery.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery-slides The product image containers.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery-slides img The product image elements.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery-slides.selected The product image container currently being shown.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-gallery-slides.selected img The product image element currently being shown.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-carousel-controls The container for the left and right arrow controls on top of the current image.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-prev The "Previous" arrow container (not the actual arrow).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-prev .chevron--left The "Previous" arrow element.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-next The "Next" arrow container (not the actual arrow).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-carousel-controls .chevron-next .chevron--right The "Next" arrow element.
Product Details
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details The container for the product details, including the title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-desc The container for the details on the left, including the title, price, the excerpt and the breadcrumb navigation.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-title The product title text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-price The price container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-price .product-price The price text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-price .original-price The original price text if the item is marked as "On Sale".
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-excerpt The product excerpt container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details-excerpt p The product excerpt text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-selection The container for the details on the right, including the variant selector, the quantity input field, and the Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .product-quantity-input The container for the quantity input elements (label and input).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .product-quantity-input .quantity-label The label text for the quantity input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .product-quantity-input input The quantity number input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-option The container for the variant select field element (label and select).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-option .variant-option-title The label text for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper The container for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper:after The down arrow in the select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-option select The variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper The container for the variant radio buttons.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper label The variant radio button labels.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper The container for the Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button The Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .products.collection-content-wrapper The outer container for the additional details for products.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-full-width-carousel .ProductItem-additional The container for the additional details for products.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-width-carousel” and the relevant descendant elements.

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-width-carousel” and the relevant descendant elements.

“Wrap” Store Page Layout Elements

Relevant CSS Selectors

Some of these selectors are deceptive-looking, meaning the selector name doesn’t seemingly match the HTML element being described, but they are correct.

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
Store Layout Selectors
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around The "Wrap" layout.
Breadcrumb Navigation
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-nav The outer container for the breadcrumb navigation.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb The parent container for the breadcrumb navigation items.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link The breadcrumb navigation links.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator The breadcrumb navigation separator element.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-separator:after The pseudo-element that adds the right breadcrumb arrow.
Summary Container
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery The container for the product summary details, including the gallery items and the text, button, and input elements.
Product Image Gallery
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery-images The container for the product images in the gallery and the product details.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery-slides.selected The product image container being shown as the main image at the top.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery-slides.selected img The product image element being shown as the main image at the top.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery-slides The other product image containers that are shown below the main details container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-gallery-slides img The product image elements that are shown below the main details container.
Product Details
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-form-wrapper The container for the product details, including the breadcrumb navigation, title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details The container for the product details, including the title, price, description, Add-to-Cart button, etc.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-title The product title text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-price The price container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-price .product-price The price text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-price .original-price The original price text if the item is marked as "On Sale".
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-excerpt The product excerpt container.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details-excerpt p The product excerpt text.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .product-quantity-input The container for the quantity input elements (label and input).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .product-quantity-input .quantity-label The label text for the quantity input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .product-quantity-input input The quantity number input field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-option The container for the variant select field element (label and select).
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-option .variant-option-title The label text for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper The container for the variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-select-wrapper:after The down arrow in the select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-option select The variant select field.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper The container for the variant radio buttons.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .variant-radiobtn-wrapper label The variant radio button labels.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper The container for the Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .pdp-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button The Add-to-Cart button.
.pdp-layout.pdp-layout-wrap-around .ProductItem-additional The container for the additional details for products.

HTML Structure Explanation

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-width-carousel” and the relevant descendant elements.

The HTML structure of the elements on the product page details. It starts with the container with the class names “pdp-layout-full-width-carousel” and the relevant descendant elements.

Unique Store Item Pages

Relevant CSS Selectors

CSS Selector(s) HTML Element Picture of Element (the blue area highlights the element; the green area highlights the element's padding; the orange area highlights the element's margin)
#item-6520b5bd783bac009bc026f2 Targets a unique store item page using its ID attribute. The selector in the left column is just the general form of the collection ID, but the characters that come after "#item-" will be different for each element.

HTML Structure Explanation

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific store item page.

The <body> HTML element with an id attribute that corresponds to the specific store item page.


Store Listing Page


Events Listing Page